220 Thesis entitled 'William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program'
205 PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'
VHS video cassette of a compilation of Murphy’s Irish Stout & Boddingtons Bitter television advertisements VHS video cassette of a compilation of Murphy’s Irish Stout & Boddingtons Bitter television advertisements
Cassette tape of recording of radio broadcast from Key 103 Steve Penk show. Cassette tape of recording of radio broadcast from Key 103 Steve Penk show.
Cassette tape of recordings of radio broadcasts from BBC Greater Manchester Drive Time and BBC Lancashire Tonight. Cassette tape of recordings of radio broadcasts from BBC Greater Manchester Drive Time and BBC Lancashire Tonight.
VHS video cassette of clips from Northwest Tonight and Granada Tonight. VHS video cassette of clips from Northwest Tonight and Granada Tonight.
Featured in the ‘Weekend with Kershaw and Whit’ programme Cassette tape of Boddingtons advertising campaign on BBC Radio 5.
Interview with P. Langan and G. M. Mitchell Cassette tape of radio interview on KVET 98.2 FM and 1300 AM Talk Radio, Austin, Texas
1 box file Papers relating to Glyn Moody's essay 'The Greatest OS That (N)ever Was – Linus Torvalds and thousands of disparate hackers created Linux, perhaps the only alternative to Windows NT. It may be the greatest software story never completed.'
1 box file Email correspondence between Glyn Moody and developers of the Linux computer operating system
1 item Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "'The Roundup Ready soybean system': sustainability and herbicide use"
1 item "Handbook for action: Genetix Snowball a campaign of nonviolent civil responsibility" a guide for GM protestors on ways to remove GM crops without destroying farmland